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Globisens offers a rich variety of activities and hands-on experiments. Step-by-step guides cover more than 40 science topics, correlated to national curriculum standards and key science syllabuses.

Do Seeds Metabolize?Measuring carbon dioxide production in seeds before and during germination
Mammalian Diving ReflexDecreasing the heart rate when submerged in cold water to preserve body heat.
City MicroclimateMeasuring temperature and humidity in green areas and around urban areas
Acid RainDetermining the pH of acid rain and understanding the effects of it
Lambert-Beer LawMeasuring percentage transmittance of solutions at different concentrations
Sweat ProductionMeasuring temperature and humidity changes relative to perspiration
Our Heart RateMeasuring our heart rate at rest and after physical activity
Temperature Variation Between Night and DayMeasuring thermal oscillation and luminosity during a full day
PhotosynthesisMeasuring air pressure inside an active photosynthetic system
Photosynthesis – Dissolved OxygenMeasuring dissolved oxygen inside an active photosynthetic system

TitrationUsing the technique of acid-base titration to find the concentration of a strong acid
Endo/Exothermic ReactionsPerforming different measurements to examine which reactions release or consume heat.
Specific HeatHeating different liquids to the same temperature (70 degrees celcius) and comparing their individual cooling curves.
Water Phase ChangesAnalyze temperature changes in water as a result of a physical state transition
Boyle’s LawMeasuring air pressure in a closed container while verifying the relationship between air pressure and volume
Liquid ConductivityStudying the relationship between dissolved ions and the conductivity of a saline water solution
Lambert-Beer LawMeasuring percentage transmittance of solutions at different concentrations
Candle FlameMeasuring the temperature of a flame according to the “three zones model”
How Acidic are the Things we Drink?Measuring the pH of different beverages
How Does Atmospheric Pressure Vary?Measuring atmospheric pressure at different levels above sea level

Exploring our environment14 hands-on environmental science experiments
Water QualityMeasuring and comparing the turbidity of different water sources and the effect on aquatic life
UV and SunblockMeasuring and comparing the levels of ultraviolet radiation through different types of filters
Cloud DetectionMeasuring infrared temperature from the environment to characterize the current weather
Greenhouse EffectUsing a greenhouse to model the effects of the atmosphere on the Earth’s temperature
Liquid ConductivityStudying the relationship between dissolved ions and the conductivity of a saline water solution
Acid RainDetermining the pH of acid rain and understanding the effects of it
Variation of Light IntensityMeasuring the light intensity of different light sources
City MicroclimateMeasuring environmental temperature and humidity in green areas and around urban areas
PhotosynthesisMeasuring air pressure inside an active photosynthetic system
Photosynthesis – Dissolved OxygenMeasuring dissolved oxygen inside an active photosynthetic system
Temperature Variation Between Night and DayMeasuring thermal oscillation and luminosity during a full day
Earth green lungsMeasuring Carbon Dioxide level in different urban areas
Earth’s Magnetic FieldMeasuring the Earth’s magnetic field at a given location
Newton’s Second LawStudying the behavior of a propelled car
Elastic PendulumObserving changes in the elastic force excerted by a spring acting as a pendulum
Biot-Savart LawStudying the magnetic field intensity variations around an inducting coil
Hooke’s LawStudying the elongation produced in springs
Ohm’s LawExploring Ohm’s Law in parallel and series circuits
Change in MomentumDemonstrating the conservation of momentum
Speed of MovementMeasuring the speed of a moving object in different situations
Free FallObserving and analyzing the free fall motion of a bouncing ping-pong ball
Lenz LawVerifying the Lenz Law by measuring the electric current flowing through a coil created by an external magnetic field
Boyle’s LawMeasuring air pressure in a closed container while verifying the relations between air pressure and volume
Sound WavesRecording sound waves and sound wave interference
Variation of Light IntensityMeasuring the light intensity of different light sources
FrictionInvestigating static and kinetic friction of a body on different surfaces

Air PressureMeasure the air pressure inside a plastic bottle
All Charged UpCompare the voltage and current output of different sized batteries
Conductors and InsulatorsMeasure the amount of electrical current flowing through different types of circuits
Coping with a Warm EnvironmentMeasure environmental temperature and humidity
Feel the BeatRecord heart rate before and after exercise using an ear clip sensor
Make Your Own BatteryMeasure the electricity produced by four different types of home-made batteries
Right on TargetRecord heart rate before and after exercise using an ear clip sensor
Sources of Heat other than SunlightMeasure heat created by mechanical and electrical sources
Temperatures Around UsMeasure environmental temperatures from a variety of locations around the school
The Sun’s EffectsMeasure the temperatures of a 10 different locations around the school yard
Weather and ClimateMeasure daily weather conditions including temperature, humidity, air pressure and precipitation
What’s the Weather Like Today?Measure daily weather conditions including temperature, humidity, air pressure and precipitation
What’s the pHussMeasure the pH of a variety of substances
A Walk in the ParkMeasure ambient temperature and humidity to see how the presence of “green space” affects these parameters

Project GLOBEBuild a student weather station at your school and use the Labdisc to collect ongoing data about the
weather conditions in your area.
Project Nest BoxCollect data on light, humidity and sound as well as temperature both inside and outside nesting boxes to find out what features make a birdhouse ideal.
Turn-Down the NoiseMeasure the impact of noise pollution in your community and share this information with community leaders to help make their school and community a better and healthier place.
What’s It Like Out ThereInclude a Labdisc GenSci or Labdisc Enviro as part of the payload of a high-altitude near-space weather
balloon to record temperature, air pressure, sound and GPS location during the high-altitude weather
balloons ascent and descent.

Light AbsorbanceCheck and compare the light absorbance of different pairs of sunglasses
Our Heart RateRecording heart rate before and after excercise
A Walk in the ParkRecording temperature changes at a city’s busy intersection and in a nearby park or garden
Night and DayExamine temperature and light changes over a full day
How Loud is Sound?Measure the decay of sound level over distance
The Temperature Around UsRecording the temperature of different substances
What is Distance?Examine the relationship between speed time and distance and explore graphs of distance versus time
Acid RainInvestigate the effect of acid rain forerunner on water acidity
Altitude and Air PressureMeasuring atmospheric pressure at different altitudes above sea level
Boyles LawMeasuring air pressure in a closed container
Candle FlameMeasuring the temperature of a flame in three different zones
City Micro ClimateComparing GPS, temperature and humidity readings in a city park and busy road
Day and NightMeasuring thermal oscillation and luminosity during a full day
Free FallObserving and analyzing the free fall motion of a bouncing ping-pong ball
Greenhouse EffectMeasuring temperature inside and outside a greenhouse
Lambert-Beer lawMeasuring percentage transmittance of solutions at different concentrations
Lenz LawVerifying the Lenz Law by measuring the electric current flowing through a coil created by an external magnetic field
Light intensityMeasuring the light intensity of different light sources
Liquid conductivityMeasuring conductivity in saline water solutions
Our heart rateMeasuring our heart rate at rest and after physical exercise
PhotosynthesisMeasuring air pressure inside an active photosynthetic system
Sound WavesRecording sound waves and sound wave interference
Sweat ProductionMeasurement temperature and humidity changes relative to perspiration
What Do We DrinkMeasuring the pH of common drinks
