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Globisens News

The Labdisc has been shortlisted out of 200 entries for the 2013 E-Learning Awards in the category of “Most Innovative New Learning Hardware or Software Product”. The award recognizes products that revolutionize the way learning is designed, delivered, supported, enhanced or managed.

Middle school students from the “Get Real Environmental Action Camp” use the DataHub at Ontario Beach Park to test their lake water for bacteria. Aided by University of Rochester Chemistry and Biology graduate students, the 6th and 7th graders made a hypothesis about the water health at their local beach.

After demonstrating the Labdisc all over the world, Andrew Rhodes, ADE and Director of Technology at the International School Norway, chose to showcase a series of three Labdisc and iPad experiments during BETT 2013. His session, aimed at middle to high school educators, demonstrated how the Labdisc and iPad can be smoothly integrated into the […]

The Labdisc Enviro with the iPad connects students in the American International School in Israel and the Czech Republic. 8th to 12th graders participating in the GAIA (Global Awareness Investigation and Action) project measure the impact of bird box environmental conditions on breeding.

Mr. Dov Bruker, Globisens CEO was honoured to be invited as a key speaker at the regional GLOBE opening event last month for selected teachers, and hosted by Farid Hamdan, the Globe National Coordinator. Globe project promotes hands-on, K-12 school-based science and education in almost 26,000 schools worldwide.

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Labdisc shortlisted for E-Learning Award

The Labdisc has been shortlisted out of 200 entries for the 2013 E-Learning Awards in the category of “Most Innovative New Learning Hardware or Software Product”. The award recognizes products that revolutionize the way learning is designed, delivered, supported, enhanced or managed.

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Students at Charlotte Beach Use the DataHub to Analyze Water Quality

Middle school students from the “Get Real Environmental Action Camp” use the DataHub at Ontario Beach Park to test their lake water for bacteria. Aided by University of Rochester Chemistry and Biology graduate students, the 6th and 7th graders made a hypothesis about the water health at their local beach.

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Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Features Labdisc at BETT 2013

After demonstrating the Labdisc all over the world, Andrew Rhodes, ADE and Director of Technology at the International School Norway, chose to showcase a series of three Labdisc and iPad experiments during BETT 2013. His session, aimed at middle to high school educators, demonstrated how the Labdisc and iPad can be smoothly integrated into the classroom workflow.

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Globisens Key Speaker at GLOBE Event

Mr. Dov Bruker, Globisens CEO was honoured to be invited as a key speaker at the regional GLOBE opening event last month for selected teachers, and hosted by Farid Hamdan, the Globe National Coordinator. Globe project promotes hands-on, K-12 school-based science and education in almost 26,000 schools worldwide.

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