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Understanding What Motivated An Early Labdisc Implementer

We speak to Benjamin Kaufman, President of Arquimed Ltda. on his experience as one of the first Labdisc implementers.

How did you spot the potential of the Labdisc?
I have been in the business for more than 30 years and the moment I saw the Labdisc I knew we were looking at a product that would change the data logging playing field – the simple design, ease-of-use and educational potential made this one of a kind.

How can the Labdisc help education challenges or trends in your region?
Chile and Latin America urgently need to generate better scientific growth. This can only be accomplished by awakening kids’ curiosity from an early age and the Labdisc can help do this. The Labdisc fits easily into the hands of young students and allows them to explore and test the world around them.

Where have you seen the product used?
We saw the Labdisc at Bett 2012, following which we began distributing in Chile as well as developing digital content through our local pedagogical company, Efecto Educativo.

How do you find teachers and students react to the product?
Students are always motivated by new and attractive technologies. They are also more digitally familiar than teachers, so usually we invest a lot in training teachers. However, the Labdisc is quickly adopted by teachers because it is very simple to use.

What sets the Labdisc apart from other existing solutions?
It’s the simplicity of the device, no cables, no calibration and a long battery life. I think that the GPS feature and the iPad application are outstanding, also the Bluetooth computer connection is great!

How do you perceive the philosophy behind the Labdisc design?
The Labdisc is a mobile science laboratory, powerful and compact, very easy to use and with great potential. It not only meets the needs of students and teachers, but has an accessible price for the Latin American market.

How do you feel the Labdisc reflects future trends in education?
Education today is focused on giving students significant and thoughtful learning experiences. The Labdisc helps them conquer the learning process, bringing a simple and intuitive education technology to the classroom.
