We’re proud to showcase videos made by teachers and young scientists world-wide, showing how they’ve applied the Labdisc in their own unique and innovative science exploration projects.
Combining Science, Math, Coding, Control and Art on a single hand held device. Offering end-to-end STEAM experience.
A montage of K to 12 experiments with the Labdisc in biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics.
Dovi Bruker, Globisens CEO introduces the Labdisc and GlobiLab software unique functionality.
Using the Labdisc built-in motion sensor and a ping pong ball to measure Newton’s 2nd Law – free fall acceleration
Using the Labdisc built-in microphone sensor and a standard tuning fork to visualize a sound wave
Demonstrating microclimates to your students by walking from a busy city intersection to a park using the Labdisc built in GPS, humidity and temperature sensors, together with the iPad for data download, display and analysis.
Analyzing the relationship between the pressure and volume of a confined gas at constant temperature using the Labdisc air pressure sensor.
Studying the relationship between a magnetic field and an electric current in a conductor. The experiment is performed using the Physio Labdisc and its Low Voltage sensor.
Studying the relationship between temperature and color in the three zones of a candle flame. This experiment is performed using the Labdisc Biochem and a thermocouple sensor.
With the distance (motion) sensor students can get the feel of how long is a meter, as well as gain an understanding of distances and sizes found in their classroom.
With the Labdisc and external temperature sensor students measure a warm glass of water and a cold glass of water. They view the live data building on graphs as the real-time temperature measurements are taken.
Students use the sound sensor to measure the level of sound inside their school and on the noisy street outside, using the GPS sensor to plot the data on a map. The students made their own evidence-based discoveries about how noise impacts learning and the quality of daily life, drawing conclusions on how to protect buildings from noise.
“Labdisc: Think of it as a launch-pad for the imagination. Or, a home base for hands-on learning adventures.”
This short movie clip shows the Labdisc being used in the Arquimed technology showroom and out in the field at the Parque Forestal, an urban Santiago city park.
The Labdisc is launched by helium balloon into space to record temperature, air pressure, sound, humidity and GPS by UK primary school children. The movie shows the full story from planning to launch, landing and data analysis.
Citrus elementary school 5th graders from Florida Indian river county experiment with the Labdisc.
4th graders, using the Labdisc for environmental studies and micro climate observations. New Mexico USA.
Pairing allows completely cable-free Bluetooth wireless communication