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Globilab Privacy Policy

Effective date: September 3rd, 2021

Globisens operates the GlobiLab mobile application.

Information Collection and Use

The GlobiLab app does not collect any information from the user, no user related information is sent anywhere or stored on any server.

App Permissions

GlobiLab asks for the following permissions:

  • Bluetooth – Bluetooth communication is need for connection to the Labdisc hardware.
  • Microphone – this permission allows users to log sound levels using the device Microphone, when no Labdisc logger is connected. The sound level is displayed on the users’ screen. No audio data is saved or transmitted anywhere.
  • Storage – this permission allows users to save experiments on their own device and open them at a later time. It also allows the user to add images from their own device as annotations to graphs. All files are accessed manually by the user, none are sent anywhere.
  • Maps – this permission allows the Globilab app to open Google Maps and plot the sensor data as a layer over Google Maps.
  • Internet – used for connection to Google Maps.
  • Location – Bluetooth low energy (BLE) requires it to allow connection to BLE devices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:
