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Globisens Vision of 2044 Education Featured in SecEd Bett Supplement

Dovi Bruker, Globisens CEO was one of a handful of selected BETT exhibitors featured in the 2014 SecEd Bett Supplement’s Technology in 2044 article. Globisens can be seen at BETT, stand A120 by the visitors entrance. Here’s what Mr. Bruker prophesized for the future of education,:

“We believe the technology of tomorrow will of course be wireless, but it will also be more consolidated and easier to use. Hands-on learning will remain the most effective method of learning but with a move towards decentralized learning – more home schooling and/or distance learning. To experiment in science students will need access to fully equipped science laboratories. Advanced laboratories will become seamless with the student themselves making science experiments with wireless sensors immediate to perform. The virtual science lab will also consolidate all other technology in the student’s environment. Preparation time for lab work, separate cables and sensors will all be a very “last century” concept. The learning focus will not be on experiment setup and data collection but on the core science concept.” 
