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Globisens Labdisc wins the Poznan International Fair Gold Medal

Finishing off an extremely successful quarter, the Labdisc wins at the Exhibition for Technology and Equipment in Education EDUTEC 2017. The Labdisc wireless data logger from Globisens was once again awarded with the Poznan International Fair Gold Medal.

Mr. Bruker, Globisens CEO told us “Since launching the Labdisc has had a wealth of positive feedback from students and teachers around the world. We are of course grateful and excited to have been so highly recognized this year in the world of education awards. They are accompanied by a number of favorable articles and reviews on the Labdisc which increase our drive and motivation to deliver the highest standard of hands-on science education to pupils in every continent”.

Indeed one recent review of the Labdisc in the “School Library Journal” March edition provides insight into the award winning features of the product. Describing the Labdisc as an “all-in-one STEM lab” the article reports how students appreciate the product’s “accurate data” readings, “immediate results” and “enormously sophisticated” graph displays. The article’s authors concluded “schools looking for a data collection disk to support a STEM program or science-oriented maker space should consider these Labdisc products. Their multiple probes, Bluetooth connectivity with a range of devices and the versatility of recording capabilities… “
