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November 15, 2012

Mr. Dov Bruker, Globisens CEO was honoured to be invited as a key speaker at the regional GLOBE opening event last month for selected teachers, and hosted by Farid Hamdan, the Globe National Coordinator. Globe project promotes hands-on, K-12 school-based science and education in almost 26,000 schools worldwide.

Globisens were announced by the Tech & Learning magazine as education technology products winners as part of the Awards of Excellence prestigious 30-year-old recognition program. Award winning software, hardware, network, Web products include innovative applications that break new ground as well as those that added significant enhancements to proven education tools.

Globisens Key Speaker at GLOBE Event

Mr. Dov Bruker, Globisens CEO was honoured to be invited as a key speaker at the regional GLOBE opening event last month for selected teachers, and hosted by Farid Hamdan, the Globe National Coordinator. Globe project promotes hands-on, K-12 school-based science and education in almost 26,000 schools worldwide.

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